
sweet direct, directed

I spent my weekend working this out. Now alls it really needs is (big-time) Luke to write a guitar part for it and play it, and it also needs Luke and girl to sing their parts instead of me. I'm pretty happy with it; I hope the recording quality shows at least at all in this youtuber.

• The dual voice that you hear is my attempt at stereo with one mic (i.e. I sang each part twice—once into the left input and once into the right input—the syncing could be better)
• Drum tracks make me feel like I'm not a real musician. Also I guess I've never felt like a real musician anyway—except in my marching band outfit. The drums are obviously not real drums on this song.
• There are a few other singing mistakes/imperfections on this song that I will wait to change for when we have guitar and girl.
• The direct TRS line from my keyboard to preamp worked great, but it also worked like the singing (for stereo I had to play each part twice).
• After watching the vid, I think the up in quality still shows.


learning! reading! spearminting!

things are slow-going on this here web manifestation of our musical progress, i know. but if you only knew how excited i've been being and getting while reading tim crich's Recording Tips for Engineers: for Cleaner, Brighter Tracks. it is giving me great ideas of how to record the necessary instruments for dalton family music.

tim crich's recording tips should directly affect the recording session that i tentatively have scheduled next week with my father nathan huntington dalton for his life's work of acoustic guitar songs.

and thanks to both zachary ray carr and tim crich i will finally see that a direct line into my computer (or at least into my preamp) will be far superior to MIDI ports that translate to garageband sound effects. that is exciting. the cable i buy for such quality may look like the following:


reinforced crotch stride

this is just that type of stride forward i made the other night with a cold voice. the format is getting pretty close, of course we are still waiting for the right moment to inject some emotional guitar. and no sitcom ending! but also kind of no ending.

And enjoy some pictures stolen from hanyon's wedding bash.

*see if you can tell which parts are designed to be sung by a girl.


sound booth

This is what the sambo yojimbo sound booth recording closet looks like from standing in the doorway with a camera.


somebody stop me

i feel like someone should tell the story of how i'm already re-creating that song posted below with the necessary improvements. It has already earned an excellent new vocal part that features a boy-girl singing dialogue. It's gonna be great. Not that I'm disappointed in that first draft below (though I am a bit embarrassed and amused by the sitcom ending, that may need to go).