
Hit Homework

Lucas, I want for you to listen to this song—one of my favorites from Broonhead (me & 4-Slyce)—and see if you can figure out how to play the same guitar. Could you do that? Be honest, what do you think? Supposedly these are the chords used::
D#minor C# G# A#
D#minor C# G# F# F

I'm thinking of adjusting the lyrics to these::

His name was Russel, and he was sitting at home. Sitting in amazement, but more like disbelief, of his not knowing before that the task would be a whore galore. He was wondering, thinking and even pondering, realizing the power within—the power of love.
He never wanted more than love.

I never wanted more than love.
The most I’ve wanted is enough.
I wanted you to shut me up—
with whispered words and quiet touch.

I never wanted more than love.
About the same as anyone.
Never at odds with my feelings,
never at odds with my first thought.

He’s a simple man with sexy-exies
Try that on for size
Try that on, 4-Slyce
4-Slyce—has never had it so nice

I never wanted more than you.
It felt so right((back))when it was new.
Now I get less by wanting more.
This less-than-love won’t see us through.

Less. Than. Love. Won’t. See. Us. Through.


The Melkman said...

Got it down. This is easy. i just need to know which chords he's playing when he's picking and your talking. Is it the D#minor and then I couldn't figure wich was next.Is it the C#?

The Melkman said...

Oh it's the same progression as the strumming. For some reason I was thinking it was just two chords. Why does he or you yell Galore in the middle of the talking? I like it though.

stern mister serious said...

I just didn't really like the idea of the words being "the task would be such whore" so I piped "galore" over it. The little touches like that often turn out the best.

stern mister serious said...

A'aight Bra. I got keys on this song no problem. It's an easy one. We need to belt it out now. I think it will sound amazing. a-mazin' fruit.

stern mister serious said...

The next part (I'm trying to figure good audio hosting—so far, no dice). Lyrics written a year and a half ago. http://www.supload.com/listen?s=K5BAKHWZSTRA